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Our Expertise

Financial Accounting and Reporting

This subject covers the candidates’ ability to demonstrate understanding and application of accounting principles and standards relating to: nature and composition of accounts; initial recognition; measurement and valuation, subsequent events and transactions; subsequent measurement and recognition of losses due to impairment and other causes; related party transactions, financial statement presentation and disclosures.

Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting

This subject covers the candidates’ knowledge of the concepts and principles in advanced financial accounting and reporting and the application of these accounting concepts including techniques and methodology to problems likely to be encountered in practice. Candidates should know and understand problems involving accounting of special transactions and their effects and presentation in the financial statements including among others: accounting for partnerships, corporate liquidation, joint arrangements, revenue recognition, home office and branch/ principal and agency transactions, business combinations and consolidations, foreign currency transactions and translations, not-for-profit organizations, including government accounting and cost accounting and treatment and presentation of consolidated financial statements,. Also, a working knowledge of the standards related to these special topics is expected of the candidates.

Management Advisory Services

The subject covers the candidates’ knowledge of the concepts, techniques and methodology applicable to management accounting, financial management and management consultancy. Candidates should know and understand the role of information in accounting, finance and economics in management consultancy and in management processes of planning, controlling and decision-making.




This part covers the candidates' conceptual knowledge and understanding of assurance and related services performed by professional accountants. Candidates should know and understand the nature of assurance and related services particularly independent audits of financial statements, the responsibilities of professional accountants; the audit process; audit objectives, evidence, procedures, auditing standards, and the elements of the independent auditors' report. In all the areas included, the candidate shall apply the Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA) and other regulatory laws and regulations in effect at the time of examination.


This part covers the candidate’s proficiency in applying audit standards, techniques, and procedures to a typical independent audit of a medium-sized service, trading or manufacturing concern. Candidate shall be able to plan and perform an audit, analyze data for possible errors and irregularities, formulate adjusting entries, resolve audit issues, prepare audit working papers and complete the audit including the preparation of the audit report. In all the areas included, the candidate shall apply the Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA) and other regulatory laws and regulations in effect at the time of examination.


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Thesis and Case Studies

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